Data Point Publish
The menuconfig is the same as the previous example.
Menuconfig Settings:
State diagram:
Data point definition
syntax = "proto3";
message MPU{
int32 ax =1;
int32 ay =2;
int32 az =3;
int32 gx =4;
int32 gy =5;
int32 gz =6;
This data point can be used for storing data from an MPU
Shadow definition
syntax = "proto3";
message Shadow {
int32 red = 1;
int32 green = 2;
int32 blue = 3;
bool on = 4;
This shadow can be used to control an RGB LED or strip
#include "nvs_flash.h" //Required to initialise nvs memory
#include "golain.h" // Golain header
#include "shadow.pb.h" //Compiled device shadow protobuffer
MQTT Certificates
Use the following to get the pointers to your certificate binaries:
extern const char mqtt_device_cert_pem_start[] asm("_binary_device_cert_pem_start");
extern const char mqtt_device_cert_pem_end[] asm("_binary_device_cert_pem_end");
extern const char mqtt_device_key_pem_start[] asm("_binary_device_private_key_pem_start");
extern const char mqtt_device_key_pem_end[] asm("_binary_device_private_key_pem_end");
extern const char mqtt_ca_cert_pem_start[] asm("_binary_root_ca_cert_pem_start");
extern const char mqtt_ca_cert_pem_end[] asm("_binary_root_ca_cert_pem_end");
extern const char mqtt_broker_cert_pem_start[] asm("_binary_mqtt_broker_cert_pem_start");
extern const char mqtt_broker_cert_pem_end[] asm("_binary_mqtt_broker_cert_pem_end");
Create user shadow struct
Shadow shadow = Shadow_init_zero;
Create data point struct
MPU myMPU = MPU_init_zero;
Initialising NVS
Creating a golain config structure
The following is called inside app_main()
in this example;
golain_config_t golain_config = {
.shadow_struct = &shadow,
.shadow_size = Shadow_size,
.shadow_fields = Shadow_fields,
.device_cert = mqtt_device_cert_pem_start, //Device certificate
.device_pvt_key = mqtt_device_key_pem_start, //Device private key
.root_ca_cert_start = mqtt_ca_cert_pem_start, //Root CA certificate
.root_ca_cert_len = mqtt_ca_cert_pem_end-mqtt_ca_cert_pem_start, //Root CA Length
- Here, we have added members that we need for device shadow and mqtt.
- Please refer to
for further information about this structure.
Initialising golain
golain_t golain = {};
golain_init(&golain, &golain_config);
- You can find more information about golain_init() by clicking on it.
- The golain_t object can also be defined outside
Data point posting loop
while (1) { = (int32_t)rand();
myMPU.ay = (int32_t)rand(); = (int32_t)rand();
myMPU.gx = (int32_t)rand(); = (int32_t)rand();
myMPU.gz = (int32_t)rand();
//The above lines fill the data point with random values.
golain_mqtt_post_data_point(DATA_TOPIC("MPU"), MPU_fields, &myMPU, MPU_size); //Post data point to golain
vTaskDelay(1000/portTICK_PERIOD_MS); // 1 second delay
- golain_mqtt_post_data_point posts one data point at a time. However, it can be called multiple times to post other data points when required.
- The 1 second interval is arbitrary and can be a lot smaller.
Programming your device:
- Running through command line : build flash
Guide for programming through ESP-IDF for VSCode:
Guide for programming through ESP-IDF for Eclipse: