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Shadow MQTT

State diagram:

Shadow definition

syntax = "proto3";
message Shadow {
int32 red = 1;
int32 green = 2;
int32 blue = 3;
bool on = 4;

This shadow can be used to control an RGB LED or strip


#include "nvs_flash.h" //Required to initialise nvs memory
#include "golain.h" // Golain header
#include "shadow.pb.h" //Compiled device shadow protobuffer

MQTT Certificates

Use the following to get the pointers to your certificate binaries:

extern const char mqtt_device_cert_pem_start[] asm("_binary_device_cert_pem_start");
extern const char mqtt_device_cert_pem_end[] asm("_binary_device_cert_pem_end");

extern const char mqtt_device_key_pem_start[] asm("_binary_device_private_key_pem_start");
extern const char mqtt_device_key_pem_end[] asm("_binary_device_private_key_pem_end");

extern const char mqtt_ca_cert_pem_start[] asm("_binary_root_ca_cert_pem_start");
extern const char mqtt_ca_cert_pem_end[] asm("_binary_root_ca_cert_pem_end");

extern const char mqtt_broker_cert_pem_start[] asm("_binary_mqtt_broker_cert_pem_start");
extern const char mqtt_broker_cert_pem_end[] asm("_binary_mqtt_broker_cert_pem_end");

Create user shadow struct

Shadow shadow = Shadow_init_zero;

Initialising NVS


Creating a golain config structure

The following is called inside app_main() in this example;

 golain_config_t golain_config = {

.shadow_struct = &shadow,
.shadow_size = Shadow_size,
.shadow_fields = Shadow_fields,

.device_cert = mqtt_device_cert_pem_start, //Device certificate
.device_pvt_key = mqtt_device_key_pem_start, //Device private key
.root_ca_cert_start = mqtt_ca_cert_pem_start, //Root CA certificate
.root_ca_cert_len = mqtt_ca_cert_pem_end-mqtt_ca_cert_pem_start, //Root CA Length

  • Here, we have added members that we need for device shadow and mqtt.
  • Please refer to golain_config_t for further information about this structure.

Initialising golain

    golain_t golain = {};

golain_init(&golain, &golain_config);

  • You can find more information about golain_init() by clicking on it.
  • The golain_t object can also be defined outside app_main() .

Keep alive loop

    while (1) {
vTaskDelay(1); //FreeRTOS function

A necessary inclusion to avoid watch dog resets.

Programming your device:

  • Running through command line : build flash